The man for all seasons and reasons

The man for all seasons and reasons
A master strategist – he has always known which strings to pull, how and when… but like an overconfident gambler he seems to have stretched his legs a bit too far. Away from the limelight many people are waiting for him to fall – will he—when and how is the big question.
by Neeraj Mahajan in New Delhi & Ajit Ujjainkar in Mumbai
The higher you go…the greater and faster you fall – this is a simple law of physics that does not apply to Ratnakar Yashwant Gaikwad the high-profile and well connected 61 year-old man for all seasons and reasons. If the present day ground situation is an indication– his days are numbered but the big question obviously is – when, how and how soon will he have his great fall? Who will bell the cat—if at all? READ MORE…

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gfiles is the country's first independent magazine written, designed and produced for India's civil services—the vast and formidable network of bureaucracies and public sector organisations that provides continuity and stability to this nation's governance.
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